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SoyItUltraTM 1GL & 5GL


Concrete-Masonry Graffiti Remover
★★★★★5 2967 Reviews
60-01040-RU, 60-05000-RU
SoyItULTRA is a ready-to-use formulation designed to remove graffiti-tags, spray paints, inks, felt-pen markers, wax-crayons and more from concrete-masonry, brick and stone surfaces. Ideal for bare, exposed and unprotected concrete, brick and masonry. Works in conjunction with pressure washing systems to remove graffiti-tagging in one application. Helps to eliminate sand-blasting and excessive paint-over. Preferred by Mass Transit Authorities, School Districts, Colleges, Public Works, Cities, and Contractors. FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY.
Follow good safety practices.
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